A touch of relaxation
and wellbeing

Holistic wellbeing through touch techniques
Body, mind and soul in harmony

Photo: Yoann Boyer

Topics I accompany


Relaxation & Recovery

Sleep and recovery are foundational for health. After physical trauma or just a tough period, craniosacral therapy is a gentle way to help the body recover and relax while relaunching the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid where needed.

For sleep issues and restlessness, Access Bars can relieve overthinking and support deeper, more restful sleep.



Something seems to hold you back: you keep worrying, overthinking or struggling to believe in yourself or your opportunities? Access Bars offers relief, calms the mind and helps clear limiting beliefs.

Professionals with impostor syndrom can benefit from a Kinesiology session to get the confidence to advance!


Chronic pain management

In case of fybromyalgia, migraines and other chronic pain diseases where pain management is a primary goal, craniosacral therapy has been shown to decrease pain levels and support healthy daily functioning without medication or invasive procedures.


Psychosomatic symptoms

When back/headaches, digestive or sleep issues etc don’t have a clear medical reason, applied kinesiology can uncover disturbances in all systems: structural, biochemical and psychoemotional and resolve them at the root cause.



Intimacy & Sexuality

Getting to divine sexuality  requires a complexity of dimensions to be in tune from feeling comfortable and safe, finding your truth beyond learnt patterns to discovering your pleasure.

With my unique program combining kinesiology, touch and coaching, you can reframe  your intimacy for a next-level experience of sexuality.



People with dyslexia, ADHD, ASD or giftedness – like myself – are “wired” differently. As much as I view these as differences rather than deficits, I also know the frustrations of not being understood or the difficulties of learning differently.

With the use of Edu Kinesiology we can map these preferences and strengthen the skills that make dealing with the neurotypical world around much easier!


Chronic pain management

In case of fybromyalgia, migraines and other chronic pain diseases where pain management is a primary goal, craniosacral therapy has been shown to decrease pain levels and support healthy daily functioning without medication or invasive procedures.


Psychosomatic symptoms

When back/headaches, digestive or sleep issues etc don’t have a clear medical reason, applied kinesiology can uncover disturbances in all systems: structural, biochemical and psychoemotional and resolve them at the root cause.



Target group​ 5

Porttitor nibh eget tellus sed odio diam sit ultrices sit enim viverra.

Target group​ 6

Risus tincidunt tempor, velit hendrerit cras neque adipiscing pharetra, vitae consequat.

Target group​ 7

Mus a pulvinar lectus cum ultricies nibh mi ac blandit phasellus porttitor.

Target group​ 7

Orci vestibulum, massa morbi eu nec ultrices integer nulla feugiat morbi.
About Me

I’m Judit. I believe in the power of touch for wellbeing

Business, study, personal development, relationships, intimacy – I have had my challenges and learnings. With my own experiences and diverse background, I’m now offering a space to accompany you with your challenges in a space using gentle methods.

Holistic wellbeing Judit

In the system of modern medicine where the biochemical, structural and mental aspects of being unwell are treated separetely, I believe in seeing people as a whole and offer techniques to connect these aspects - by a gentle touch.
We all need the mirror of others to discover new things about ourselves - contact me for a neutral and welcoming space for you to unfold and blossom!


What Clients Are Saying

“Justo vestibulum risus imperdiet consectetur consectetur pretium urna augue etiam risus accumsan volutpat urna, eu semper enim, est aliquam laoreet urna fringilla viverra.”

Daniel Johnson

“Ullamcorper enim at amet eget faucibus morbi ornare feugiat posuere blandit donec sit quis lectus eget faucibus scelerisque duis.”

Julia Michele

"Semper duis tellus orci nulla nibh elementum purus, pretium facilisi vel eget amet, diam lacinia tempus tristique euismod viverra fusce risus euismod amet."

Robert Green

"Vitae erat pretium, interdum et, massa, nunc rutrum at lectus lectus aenean etiam nulla nibh ipsum commodo eu nibh scelerisque pharetra, sem netus risus."

Oliver Goodman