
Touch is the first language we speak

Touch is one of our most natural needs – and the least met in modern society.
The power of being accompanied and touched allows us to feel well, healthy and integrate into our physical world what we wish in the mental and emotional.

Craniosacraal therapie gecertificeerd osteopathie

Craniosacral therapy (Poyet method) is focusing on the movement of the cerebrospinal fluid, also called primary respiration. With gentle manipulation, blockages are resolved and the natural movement reestablished, hence helping recovery after trauma, (chronic) pain and stress. The main focus is on the center of the system, the sacrospinal column including the crane with reflexology correspondences between parts of the body.

Acces Bars

Acces bars is a relaxing technique using a light touch on 32 areas of the head (bars). Next to feeling like having slept 2 hours in 1 hour, Access Bars helps clear limiting beliefs to free your potential and open up opportunities.

aanraking gezondheid
Kinesio aanraking test


Applied kinesiology is a holistic method, uncovering the origins of unbalances in body, emotions and energy through muscle testing  and resolves it using a variety of techniques to help balance and anchor change.

All sessions take around 75 minutes (count on 1,5 hours for a first session to allow for introductions).
Starting with a conversation about what you would like to achieve and some background, for each method we transfer to the massage table for comfort. I suggest comfortable, non restrictive clothes!
We finish the session with a few sentences wrap-up and possibly some advice to follow up.

Are you interested?