Judit Kovacs

I’m Judit Kovacs. I accompany and touch people on their way to their best

About Judit Kovacs kinesiology holistic wellbeing
Judit Kovacs Deloitte consulting

My background: an international in business

Born and raised in Hungary, I had an international orientation early on. After getting business degrees from Hungary, the Netherlands and the UK, I worked in Finance & Accounting and Treasury internationally. I finally found the right career in Operations Management: always looking for how things work, making people’s workday better and improving things. I had the luck to work across 16 countries and cultures, work out and lead really exciting programs while starting coaching leadership and receiving coaching and mentoring. Most recently, I have worked at Deloitte as a Manager with the Banking industry.

For more details on my professional background, you can check LinkedIn

Personal development

Next to living my analytical side, I have always been interested in psychology, how humans work, why we react the way we do and how we can get to our full potential and HAPPINESS. To discover and improve myself, I have been on a long journey not only being on both sides of mentoring and (individual and group) coaching but also with psychology, psychotherapy, family constellations, regression therapy, craniosacral therapy – and kinesiology. I looked for being accompanied and found great pointers on the road!

A great passion of mine for years has been dancing: kizomba. The variety of styles possible, the connection to others, the hugs and the energy transfer marvel me every time.

Judit Kovacs coaching personal development
Judit Kovacs kinesiology touch

On the road to touch techniques

As I always found it important to feel like I have a choice, already during my business studies I did a short massage course to develop very different skills that attract me. Next to a busy international career, I never practiced professionally but I had wonderful experiences of touching friends and family.

The Corona period has been very confronting: living alone, friends and family mostly far away, all work at distance… Even my favourite hobby, dancing kizomba, became impossible – and before I knew, I haven’t touched another human in 5 months. My second burnout made me think over what I needed: being in touch, being able to sense how people feel, all while having the possibility to keep developing myself and supporting others.

With all I’ve experienced, kinesiology and related techniques called me so I can share the journey of holistic wellbeing.

Holistic wellbeing as ikigai

Soon after I found the calling towards kinesiology as a tool, I set out on new studies. A first interesting and available step was learning Access Bars! It proved what I felt before: energy speaks, it connects!

For the longer haul, I tried a first module of a kinesiology course in France – I was sure of what I wanted, I wasn’t sure if I could do it in French. After this first module though, I knew École de Kinesiologie et Techniques Complémentaires was for me! I was doing one course after the other in France while rounding up my consulting life in the Netherlands.

During the same period, I also studied Craniosacral Reflexology. I have been a client of this method before so bringing the relief I experienced to others is a great joy!

A lot of studies, a lot of change, a lot of self knowledge developments. The road was and remains challenging. But I’m getting to where skills, interests, calling and professionalism align:


Judit Kovacs kinesiology
Judit Kovacs Access Bars
Craniosacral therapy reflexology Judit Kovacs
Kinesiology certified Judit Kovacs

And you?

Can I accompany you on your journey?